Exo (pronounced Echo) is a healthcare imaging company, but in many ways they see themselves first as a fin-tech company, offering both a probe and software solution to revolutionize how medical data is stored and organized.
Ahead of a national imaging conference, Exo needed a bold statement that would inspire and inform the direction of their messaging, as well as resonate with emergency room doctors who feel fed up with old ultrasound probes. In short, how do we make ultrasound breakthroughs exciting and inspiring to a group of individuals who use them daily?
Before every diagnosis, there is a time when everything seems a little unclear.
Patients come to us with a list of symptoms, and as physicians we must explore potential causes and eliminate others, sharpening the possibilities as we work toward a clear diagnosis. For many, the allure of chasing these mysteries is the reason they got into healthcare in the first place. And while the unknown may always draw us in, it shouldn't stay unknown for long.
Our vision is clear.
At Exo, we aren't just another healthcare company working within the constraints of industry. We are a technology company, bold enough to envision a future where patient care is unconstrained by aging tools and out-of-sync systems. One that is as advanced and accessible as the phones in our pockets.
At Exo, we invite you to join us as we trailblaze the way to a future unconstrained.
Copywriter: Kathleen Goodwin